Sunday, September 30, 2001
Friday, September 28, 2001
Dave had a left over 10 gig hard drive that I wanted to put in my iMac to replace the measly 4 gig drive that came with my computer. The iMac has to be the worse case design ever made by Apple. It was unbelievable what needed to be done to get to that hard drive. I had to:
- Pull the chasis out of the case
- remove the processor from the motherboard
- remove the entire motherboard from the chasis
- unplug every wire from the motherboard to any other piece of hardware in the computer
- dissasemble a side panel from the chasis
- remove the cd-rom drive
- remove the hard drive (finally)
Halfway through the project Dave wants to bail out on me to go party with his buddys. I wanted him to hang with me for support... because I was sure I could not get the iMac back together in one piece. To prevent him from leaving... I stole his car keys!!! Ha!
Two hours later... everything was back together, and the sucker booted up on the first shot. I got my 10 gigs, Dave got his keys back and that's how I spent this lovely Friday evening.
Wednesday, September 26, 2001
Saturday, September 22, 2001

Instead of those flags I see popping up on web pages all over the Internet, I will put up a Red Cross banner on all my web pages with a link to the National Disaster Relief Fund. Who knows? Maybe one or two people will click on it and make a donation.
Thursday, September 20, 2001
Wednesday, September 19, 2001
Some interesting comments I have heard this past week:,
- My friend JM said "We should be looking for justice and peace". I agree, its Justice NOT vengence we should be after. I will not feel good about bombing Afghanastan to ashes. Over 6000 innocent lives have perished in NYC. I won't feel very good about thousands of more innocent lives lost... just because they are arabs.
-A British commentator "Americans brag too much. They brag about how much money they make, their cars and houses and boats, their way of life, the most powerful nation, the most freedom, their high standard of living." I think there is truth to that, and that is why we are hated by many. We should just shut-up and live a more humble existance.
- Frank Rich interviewed on Imus this morning said, Look at what dominated our news and media just one week ago. Gary Condit, Ann Haish, a handful of shark attacks, Survivor Series. We live in a dream world where we have been manufacturing so-called News stories to entertain us.
Americans lived in a fantasy world... Now this must change. We must look at the world and ourselves in a new way. We have to understand where we fit in, in relation to other countries and cultures and understand how our actions, personally, politically and economically effect the rest of this world which we live.
Monday, September 17, 2001
Sunday, September 16, 2001
Spent a great many hours moving web pages that were hosted on my Earthlink account to the provider that hosts Lasternet, in preperation for DSL as I will be dropping Earthlink. What a pain in the ass that was. All the corresponding links on so many pages needed to be changed and tested, and pages notifying that the site was moved were put up on the Earthlink sites. Only pages left to switch over are my Blogger ones which could be the most challenging.
Friday, September 14, 2001
Wednesday, September 12, 2001
Tuesday, September 11, 2001
Monday, September 10, 2001
On the positive side, we are getting DSL in our neighborhood (finally!), and I have already placed my order. By the end of the month, I'll be surfing at near T1 speeds (broke, but happy). Yipee! Thank you SNET... F*ck you ATT Cable!
Sunday, September 09, 2001
Here is that big pic of me right near the entrance to the Xerox booth. I call it "Me and Mini-me".
Thursday, September 06, 2001
Wednesday, September 05, 2001
Monday, September 03, 2001
As the economy began to stall last year and companies laid off workers, chief executives of big corporations still got hefty pay raises and were rewarded for making job cuts.
There has been a particularly blatant pattern of CEOs benefiting at the expense of their workers. Chief executives of the 52 major companies that announced layoffs of at least 1000 employees earned some 80 percent more on average than CEOs at 365 big corpoations surveyed by Buseness Week magazine. The layoff leaders recieved an average $23.7 million compared with $13.1 million overall in this group. These top job cutters got an average increase in salary and bonus of nearly 20% compared with average raises for US wage earners of around 3-4% for salaried employees.
excerpted from Associated Press, by Marcy Gordon
Sunday, September 02, 2001
Saturday, September 01, 2001
I wonder about the kids that may have had the experience of LL World Series semi's and finals, but were elliminated by Almonte's pitching in earlier rounds. These kids may have been denied the experience of a lifetime all because one parent or coach chose to *bend the rules* (aka cheat) in order for his team to win. Shame, Shame, Shame.
As a parent and sometimes coach of kids sports, I know how we all want to win (i am probably one of those parents that gets a bit carried away with winning), but these programs are for the kids... not us parents. Now its the parents and coaches who have put a black cloud over this Little League program... one of the greatest pastimes for kids all over the world, and an organization that has been important to kids for generations. Little League will survive. I hope that parents and coaches learn from this sorry event. I know it has given me a better perspective that playing fairly and making a good example for the kids, is far more important than winning ball games.